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기타행사덴마크 신체극단 Out of Balanz 창작 워크숍

공모ㆍ기금ㆍ행사 내용
기간 2018-11-11~2018-11-11
주관 프로젝트 KoDe 8071
게시일 2018-10-29 조회수 966 작성자 김은하

< 덴마크 신체극단 Out of Balanz 창작 워크숍>



1.  운영 일정: 2018 11 11() 오후 2 ~ 오후 5/의정부 예술의전당 연습실   

2.  개요 

   • 타이틀: The Art of Laughter(웃음의 기술)

   • 진행: 덴마크 신체극단 Out of Balanz(하단 소개 참조)  

   • 대상: 공연 분야 전문가 혹은 관련 학생  20 이하 


       • 내용: Out of Balanz (OOB) 함께, 놀이, 웃음과 광대의 유쾌한 영역 탐험한다. 게임, 운동  즉흥 연주 통해 우리 내면의 장난기를 탐구하여 자신만의 개성, 순진성  인간성 발견한다. 참가자가 물려받은 신체를 주재료로 하는  워크샵은 인간의 평생에 걸친 부조리한 태도를 밝히기 위한 독특한 경험 방식을 활용한다.

       • 접근방식: 자크 르콕(Jacques Lecoq)  마스터의 작품을 포함한 유럽의 전통에서 유래한 것들을 탐구하며, 신체극, 무브먼트에 기초한다.

       • 필요사항: 편안한 복장과 신발. 다소간의 영어 이해 능력 선호. 워크숍 운영 내용의 특성 , 통역을 병행하기 어려움.  

    3. 신청: 11 9(). 이메일 ehtrain999@gmail.com 

            * 이름, 개인 소개, 핸드폰 번호 작성 필요.



Out of Balanz 소개



2006(덴마크 코펜하겐) 2 듀오 창단. 수상 경력에 빛나는 국제 앙상블. 고도로 협업적인 창의적 과정과 모험적 실험성이 풍부한 독창적 작품을 제작한다. 12 개의 독창적인 작품을 만들었으며 유럽과 북미의 16 개국을 투어했다(The John Houseman Theatre 오프 브로드 웨이와 런던의 바비  ). SITI Company  DV8 같은 권위있는 신체극단들과 함께, Backstage.com (미국) 의해 세계에서 가장 혁신적인 13 개의 신체극단   곳으로 선정되었다.



현재, 2019 의정부음악극축제 폐막 공연 예정인 -덴마크 공동협업 프로젝트 ‘Kode 8071’ 참여하고 있다.


Out of Balanz Workshop “ The Art of Laughter’


When/Where: 14:00-17:00, Sunday Nov 11. Uijeongbu Arts Center, Uijeongbu


Out of Balanz invites you to explore the exhilarating territory of play, laughter and the clown. Together we’ll delve into our inner playfulness through games, exercises and improvisations in order to discover our own idiosyncrasy, naivety and humanity. Supplied with little else than the body that each participant has inherited, this workshop will exploit its participants' unique way of experiencing the world as we endeavor to uncover the life-affirming absurdity of the human condition.

Our approach - drawing from European traditions including the work of Jacques Lecoq and others - will be one of inquiry and will be grounded in physicality.

“The clown doesn’t exist aside from the actor performing him. We are all clowns, we all think we are beautiful, clever, strong, whereas we all have weaknesses, our ridiculous side, which can make people laugh when we allow it to express itself. “ -Jacques Lecoq


About Out of Balanz https://www.outofbalanz.com/

Founded in 2006, Out of Balanz is an award-winning international theatre ensemble based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Recognized for their highly collaborative creative process and for producing original work rich in spectacle and adventurous in form, Out of Balanz has created over a dozen original works and toured to 16 different countries in Europe and North America (including such venues as The John Houseman Theatre off-Broadway and The Barbican in London). The companys has been named one of the 13 most innovative physical theater companies in the world, alongside such prestigious companies as The SITI Company and DV8, in the prestigious backstage.com (USA).





A minimum of 10 participants, 20 would be ideal.

This workshop is for professionals and students studying theatre/performance only.

Everyone participating should wear clothes that they can move comfortably and freely in.


Application: ehtrain999@gmail.com by Friday, Nov 9 2018 (Name, brief profile and contact number to be provided)
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