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기사[코리아헤럴드]Govemment to support groups entering Edinburgh Festival(20070705)

보도자료 내용
게시일 2007-07-09 조회수 2269
페이스북 트위터

Govemment to support groups entering Edinburgh Festival

정부 에든버러 축제에 참가하는 공연단체 지원

코리아헤럴드 | 2007-07-05

The government yesterday announced its plan to support Korean theater groups that are set to present their performance at the upcoming Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2007, one of the largest arts festivals in the world.

Under the plan, the Culture Ministry and the Seoul City Government have set aside 400 million won ($430,000) to support the 14 local theater troupes that will participate in the festival, to be held on Aug. 5-27.

Of the sum, 140 million won will be spent to pay flight fares for members of six selected groups and the remainder on a series of promotional events and consulting services during the festival.

"This is the first time for the government to financially support Korean artists entering the European market through the annual Edinburgh Fringe Festival," Woo Yeon, director of international exchanges at the state-run Korea Arts Management Service, said during a news conference in Seoul yesterday.

"We hope this (government`s support) will help promising Korean artists demonstrate talents in bigger stage." The KAMS will hold "Fringe Korea," a promotional event introducing Korean culture to the people in the city on Aug. 21.


The six theater groups to receive direct financial support are: - Dulsori, which is to present "Binari -- The Spirit of the Beat," an interactive performance that shows the spirit and traditions of Korea; - Company Seo, for "Somewhere Else," a duet contemporary dance exploring both the inner and outer universe; - Soulgang & Bricklane, for "Spin Odyssey," featuring Last For One, a b-boy group that won second prize win in the Battle of the Year 2006; - Yegam Theater Company, for "Break Out," a comedy featuring b-boy dance; - Hayan Theater, for "The Voice of Things -- Toilet Paper," a solo object theater performance; and - Sadari Movement Lab, for "Woyzeck," a drama transformed into a new physical and visual language.

The Festival Fringe in Britain, as the name suggests, is a venue for relatively lesser-known theater groups who are not invited to the official Edinburgh International Festival. Since its establishment in 1947, the Fringe festival has built itself as a unique niche by showcasing more experimental and innovative performances than the official entries. This year, some 31,000 performances of 2,050 shows, including drama, mime, concerts and operas, will be staged in 250 venues around the city. About 18,626 performing artists are expected to take part.

According to the festival organizing committee, the festival generates about $150 million for the Edinburgh and Scottish economy.

By Cho Chung-un


정부가 세계 최대 예술축제 중 하나인 2007 에든버러 페스티벌에서 공연을 선보이는 공연 단체를 지원하겠다는 계획을 어제 발표했다.

이 계획에 따라 문화관광부와 서울시는 8월 5일-27일에 열리는 에든버러 페스티벌에 참가하는 국내 14개 공연 단체를 지원하기 위해 4억원(43만 달러)를 책정했다.

총액 중 1억 4000만원은 선정된 6개 공연 단체의 항공요금으로 쓰이고 나머지는 축제 기간 중 홍보행사와 컨설팅 서비스에 쓰일 예정이다.

우연 예술경영지원센터 국제교류팀 차장은 어제 서울에서 열린 기자회견에서 “에든버러 프린지 페스티벌을 통해 유럽 시장에 입문하는 한국 예술가들을 정부가 재정적으로 지원해 주는 것은 처음이다.”고 말했다.

"이런 정부의 지원이 더욱 큰 무대에서 유망한 한국 예술가들이

페이스북 트위터